First of all, if you are only seeing the copyright section after the import, you just need to re-trigger the footer to show on entire website. Below is the video, on how to do it.
Footer can be managed by 2 ways in Airtech theme.
By default, the footer is powered using Elementor plugin.
So you can just go to Appearance/Header Footer builder to edit the footer using powerful Elementor plugin.
You can watch this video for visual info
In case you do not want to use Elementor, you can enable the default footer, by going to Appearance/Customise/Airtech footer settings and disable the Elementor powered button. After that you can manage it normally by using widgets, by going to Appearance/widgets.
Note: If you only see a strip in the footer and the Elementor powered footer is not seen, try triggering its display condition again. Here is the video on how to do it.